If you are planning to host an event at which food will be served, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed at the thought of having to prepare and serve dishes of food and snacks to your guests. Thankfully, you don't have to face this all alone. By calling in a team of professional caterers, you can take away all of the stress of having to host a party. Read on to find out about the things a catering company will take into account when working on a menu for your event.
The type of event
The first thing the catering team will want to know is what type of event you plan to host. Different types of events create different demands. For example, if you are planning to host a book launch or a networking event, it is unlikely that a full sit-down meal will be required. Instead, the team of caterers will focus on producing and serving finger food, which can be eaten while standing around and talking to others. On the other hand, if you are planning to host an awards evening, a more traditional 3-course meal may be the order of the day.
The dietary requirements of guests
When sending out invitations to your guests, you should ask them to inform you of any dietary requirements they may have. This will allow you to pass this information on to the caterers so they can prepare vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free dishes for your guests.
The time of year
Events are often planned months in advance. For this reason, the team will be interested to know precisely when your event will be taking place. The time of year is important, as this can have an impact on the menu. First of all, the time of year will impact the types of local produce which are available to the chefs. Secondly, the temperature outside can make some foods more appropriate than others. For example, if you plan to hold your event on a winter's night, a bowl of warming soup and roasted dinner may be the perfect thing to serve. However, the same food served at the height of summer may not seem as appetising when BBQ food and salads may be a better option.
If you are interested in finding out more about working with a catering company, you should make contact with a local food service today.